Z diplomo ima študent lahko precejšnje zdrahe - no, jst jih niti nisem imela s pisanjem (kljub temu da se je zadeva rahlo zavlekla, ampak na to je pač treba računat) ali z mentorico, ki se je na koncu izkazala za resnično nekomplicirano osebo - ampak z referatom in vezavo. Se pravi z zadevami, ki naj bi bile samoumevne in postranske. No, ne vedno.
Zadnjič sem diplomo oddala v referat, nisem pa vedela, da so postali pri nas “rahlo” pikolovski glede citiranja. Sej ok, da je stvar poenotena, ampak a lahko no - ženska je bila tako zajedljiva, da sem se skoraj skregala z njo. Skoraj pa zato, ker mi je nato samo mirno rekla: “Poglejte, jaz imam čas, vi ga pa najbrž nimate, ker se vam mudi in želite imeti čimprej zagovor.” Točno tako, kako ste vedeli? :) No, potem sva nekako našle skupni jezik, postala je bolj prijazna, jst pa tudi manj tečna, ker se mi res mudi in ker res rabim ta prekleti zagovor! :) No, naslednji dan sem spet prišla, da sem še enkrat preverila, ali imam res prav, ker je šla diploma ponovno v vezavo. Ponovno? Ja, morala sem dati razvezat 2 izvoda - enega zato, ker mora biti arhivski na faksu res tipi top, enega pa za lasten gušt, diploma je pač diploma :)
Uglavnem, referentka je bila ful bolj prijazna kot prejšnji dan, vse mi je lepo pregledala in nič več tečnarila. Ja, samo prijazen moraš bit :) Ampak s tem se zdrahe še niso končale! Nalogo sem popravila in nesla vezat, ampak zaradi časovne stiske nekam drugam kot prvič (ko sem nesla v fotokopirnico pri faksu, kjer potrebujejo cel dan). No, vse lepo in prav, parkrat sem ponovila, kako mora bit zvezano in potem sem upala, da bojo res naredili tako. Ampak ne. Po diplome sem poslala sestro, ker stanuje tam blizu. Danes zjutraj mi jih je prinesla in imela sem odličen razlog, da me že navsezgodaj popade jeza! No, lahko bi pričakovala, pa nisem, ker sem večni optimist. Pri nas zahtevajo, da za naslovnico sledi 1. naslovna stran, ki je v bistvu zelo podobna naslovnici, samo da je na njej napisano še ime mentorja. Ampak v moji diplomi je zdej za naslovnico ENA PRAZNA STRAN! Kdo jih je najel, da so mi jo dali noter, nimam pojma. Že vidim referentko, kaj bi naredila - začela bi šteti strani, in rekla, da je stran mojega kazala v bistvu 6 in ne 5, kot piše. Groza. Sej ni fore v tem, da se mi zdi tole največja težava, kar jo ima lahko človek v življenju, ampak na živce mi gre, ko daš nekomu točna navodila (”Prosim, da naredite tako, kot je v tej diplomi, samo vstavite nove kopije … zaporedje pa naj bo isto”), pa naredi po svoje. In samo zato moram jutri takoj tja, da mi popravijo zadevo, da končno lahko oddam pravilno verzijo na faksu. Nič ne rečem, če si sama kompliciram zadeve, pač pi* sama nase. Ampak ko zaradi drugih izgubljam čas … to pa res sovražim, grrr. No, zdej sem že ful boljše volje, ker praktično ne morem nič pa še ne gre za svetovno katastrofo. Jutri pa upam, da ne bom imela še dodatnih razlogov za opis zdrah z diplomo :mrgreen:
Hydroponic fungus
Hydroponic fungus
***CAUTION: Indoor Hydroponics Moss & Algae ("Boggish") Gardens should not be grown in certain areas where harmful Fungi, Moulds, etc. may grow!***
This will likely be the last report for a while on the on-going growth & succession of my "Boggish" garden due to the fact that I plan to focus on a more diverse variety of topics to be featured in upcoming articles. Please don't worry there will be updates in the future at some point.
As you can plainly see from the pictures below (which were taken using a cheap digital camera with a magnifying lens in front of it), there appear to be multiple species of mosses, possibly some saprophytes/epiphytes, and/or algae and plants in my garden that seem to be flourishing abundantly. There is also an infestation of Fungus Gnats which has been left untreated by any means until now, but they may have been subject to predation by a certain little jumping spider that has managed to elude my camera iris for now. The Fungus Gnat population seemed to peak and bloom into a large population at one point which appeared to be uncontrollable, but they have since died off in a sudden population crash, likely due to lack of resources such as an adequate and regular supply of food. The black mould also seemed to be spreading wildly leaving patches of dead moss in its wake, but then some white powdery mildew began growing on the black mould, how ironic.
I have been watering the tray less frequently as of late (approximately once every 4 to 5 days now as compared to every second day with generous amounts of misting before) to try to reduce the surface moisture level to ward off too many species of mould and fungi. The pH values of the nutrient solution and growth media(a mix of vermiculite, peat, perlite(pearlite) and dolomitic limestone) have not been checked, but the plants, etc. appear to be healthy. The nutrient solution has however been topped up with fresh water regularly.
This will likely be the last report for a while on the on-going growth & succession of my "Boggish" garden due to the fact that I plan to focus on a more diverse variety of topics to be featured in upcoming articles. Please don't worry there will be updates in the future at some point.
As you can plainly see from the pictures below (which were taken using a cheap digital camera with a magnifying lens in front of it), there appear to be multiple species of mosses, possibly some saprophytes/epiphytes, and/or algae and plants in my garden that seem to be flourishing abundantly. There is also an infestation of Fungus Gnats which has been left untreated by any means until now, but they may have been subject to predation by a certain little jumping spider that has managed to elude my camera iris for now. The Fungus Gnat population seemed to peak and bloom into a large population at one point which appeared to be uncontrollable, but they have since died off in a sudden population crash, likely due to lack of resources such as an adequate and regular supply of food. The black mould also seemed to be spreading wildly leaving patches of dead moss in its wake, but then some white powdery mildew began growing on the black mould, how ironic.
I have been watering the tray less frequently as of late (approximately once every 4 to 5 days now as compared to every second day with generous amounts of misting before) to try to reduce the surface moisture level to ward off too many species of mould and fungi. The pH values of the nutrient solution and growth media(a mix of vermiculite, peat, perlite(pearlite) and dolomitic limestone) have not been checked, but the plants, etc. appear to be healthy. The nutrient solution has however been topped up with fresh water regularly.
I have increased the amount of simulated daylight that my garden is receiving from it's two 4 foot 40 Watt fluorescent light sources from ~14 to ~18 hours per day which has resulted in an increased growth rate of the plants, mosses and algae.
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